Monday, April 11, 2011

Every day...Every. Day... E.V.E.R.Y. D.A.Y

Every day. For the rest of my life. Play clip below:

I'm one of those people who gets freaked out when you say I have to do something every day. I don't even like to brush my teeth every day (don't worry--I do). Can you imagine when I had my first baby? Wait, I have to feed him how many times a day?!?!  :) My days are all different, I rarely have the same routines more than a day at a time. So, the thought of doing something every day for the rest of my life actually makes me feel a little claustrophobic. Weird, huh? It's just not in my personality.

The Lord is challenging me lately to spend concerted time with Him every day. Play above clip again. Stephan said recently that he can tell when I'm not growing in the Lord. He said I'm a grouch and the house goes to heck. Ahahaha! :) It was a little hard to hear, but I know 100% that it is true. I'm so much better when I'm walking with Jesus.

It is and continues to be a journey! Having grown up in a strong Christian environment, the daily quiet time is just a given. It isn't optional, and if you don't do it, you're bad, B.A.D. bad. I always felt that way! And it hindered me like crazy! I accepted Christ as a child, and as a teen, I tried to do quiet times, but it wasn't out of a pure desire to meet with the Lord, it was because that is what you are supposed to do. It wasn't until I was going through a divorce that I was desperate for God's help and grace and I actually grew a desire to spend time with Him. However, I was single parenting 3 very small boys at the time. Quiet time?? Every day??? Ha!

I tried all sorts of ideas... I tried getting up super early and was super quiet, but within ten minutes, the little tiptoeing feet would arrive. It wouldn't matter how early it was--they have some twisted "mommy's awake" sensor! Are you laughing?? I know this has happened to you, too... :) I tried making time in the evening... after dinner and dishes are done, kids are tucked in, the house is picked up, etc, etc... Needless to say, it was a very quiet time... save for the soft snoring on occasion... I was so tired! In a message I heard once from Charles Stanley, he said he knew of a mother that would get up in the middle of the night (like 2 am!)--every night--to meet with God. I remember feeling even more condemned that I couldn't have enough discipline to be like that woman.

It was so discouraging! The worst part is, I felt such remorse over not having a regular quiet time, that I wouldn't even really pray because I felt like I hadn't really earned that right. I can remember a time almost exactly 5 years ago when I was so fed up and frustrated with all of this...I was standing in my little kitchen in my little apartment, listening to one of the regular preachers on the Dove (radio). I don't remember exactly what he was talking about, but I remember the Lord speaking so clearly to me to stop condemning myself about what I don't do every day and to change my focus to what I can do. That was a very difficult time in my life, and I was spending hours listening to radio messages, going to church and Bible studies, and constant Christian music. But I still didn't have a regular "quiet time" and I couldn't get past that. The Lord helped me see that my expectations were actually hindering Him from being able to speak to me through the things I was doing. That day, my perspective changed dramatically. It was such a lie of the enemy to believe that I hadn't earned the right to pray.

I began to pray to the Lord as my father who still loves me, and I learned to give Him opportunities to speak to me, even if it was not the ideal quiet setting every time. I continued listening to messages on the radio and online, I recognized the importance of going to Bible studies, church services, women's retreats, and listening to uplifting Christian/worship music as much as possible. And the Lord has always been gracious to speak to me through those things. Combine all of the above with actual quiet times when I could manage them, and I grew! Even recently when my dishwasher was broken, it took me ages to hand wash dishes, and I would listen to 1-2 of Beth Moore's radio messages online each time. I got through her amazing series on wisdom that way ("Wising Up" Dec. 2009 archives! So, my dishwasher has been fixed for a few weeks and I haven't listened to nearly as many messages since... I can almost picture the Lord standing by my dishwasher with a wrench in hand saying, "Shall we do this again??" :) No, no no... I'm trying to get it! 

So, that's the first step. Just getting to the point where you are giving God opportunities to speak to you--even if it doesn't always meet up to what our expectations might be. I think that is a huge trap of the enemy--to tell us that if we can't have the perfect quiet time, that we can't do it at all. Don't believe it! Learning to make God my life has been a life changing experience. Instead of trying to find a 20 minute time block for Him, the focus is on how much of Him I can incorporate into all day, every day. I love Colossians 3:1-3 in The Message Bible:

So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from his perspective. Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life—even though invisible to spectators—is with Christ in God. He is your life.

I certainly don't discount the importance of having a quiet time everyday with the Lord. Absolutely. There is a difference between incorporating Jesus into everyday, and in getting away from life to wait on Him and spend time in focused prayer. But, if there are days when you don't get that quiet time away with Him, remember He hasn't gone anywhere! Stay in communication and relationship with Him through it all. And lastly, if you honestly examine your heart and find that there isn't a true desire to spend that time with the Lord, then start there. Don't fake it, thinking that getting it done is what matters. Instead, ask God to give you that desire--He will! And it will be amazing to experience a hunger for Him and His word like never before. I know. :) Make Jesus your life. Every day. :)
