Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hope's Alive!!

I have been struck lately by a song on a recent album I purchased... If you haven't checked out Ronnie Freeman's music, do it soon! His newest album, Perfect Love, is just as amazing and spirit-filled as his past recordings...Love it! Anyways, on that album is a song called 'Finished'. Listen to the lyrics:

Now I sing a song of Praise for my King who saved me
I'm so glad You made a way for me to be set free!
You paid for life and conquered death,
What You started, You finished!

Now today...For all the world...
Hope's Alive!! Hope's Alive!!

(Repeat Chorus)
What You started, You finished!
The work is done...Thank you Lord!

Such powerful words!! I so easily spend my days focused on me and the different situations in my life and in other's lives that can often seem hopeless. Hope's Alive!! Hope's Alive!! As believers in Jesus Christ we are never without hope! Oh how I pray that that truth sinks deep in each one of us today and that we never forget that our hope is “...in the living God, who is the Savior of all men...” 1 Timothy 4:10.

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.”
Psalm 62:5-8

In our little Bible study group yesterday (which I am loving, by the way), my sweet sisters have shared a little bit about some of the trials and difficulties they've been through in this life. I don't know what you are going through today, but just based on the odds from last night, It's likely to say you or someone close to you is going through some serious *ahem* crap! Sorry, but don't tell me that's not what you call it too... :) Find rest, sweet soul, in God alone! In every circumstance, your hope comes from Him. He alone is your rock and your salvation....He is your might rock and your refuge! Trust in Him at all times, dear friend, pour out your heart to Him, for HE is your refuge.

Listen to Beth Moore's writing in her So Long Insecurity book:
[God] does not take lightly that some of us were raised in a veritable madhouse. He does not take lightly that some of us have been mentally berated or physically beaten or abused or abandoned. He does not take lightly that some of us are still trying to recover from that midnight phone call. He does not take lightly that some of us were born with legs that don't work. Or eyes that can't see. Or ears that can't hear. He does not take lightly that some of us have endured the cancer treatment of our very own children. He does not take lightly that some of us, Lord help us, have buried our own children.
He knows it's scary to be us. Son of David, have mercy on us! It's almost too much to bear here at times, Lord....The thunder crashes in the heavens, and the earth grows dark in the middle of the afternoon, and a man, beaten to a bloody pulp, cries from a cross between two theives, “It is finished!” Because He did, one day God will wipe away every tear from the eyes of those who trusted Him, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things will pass away and all our hardship will be finished.

My heart is heavy for the many who feel hopeless today. Take heart, Hope's Alive!


Hear the song here:



  1. Thank you Becky. This is a good word.

  2. BECKY- I just discovered yesterday he had a new album out... and it's been on repeat for me! SO AMAZING!!!!

